The Evolving Slacker

To Evolve into your real self…all you have to do….

To evolve into your real self, all you have to do, is the tiniest thing. Each and every day. Do something, that moves you in the direction, of who, and what, you want your real self to be, for just, 15 minutes a day. If you want to be a guitar player, pick up your guitar, for just 15 minutes, and, just hold it, you won’t be able to not strum it. That’s how songs are written. 

If guitar is one of the things you want to learn, and it helps move you, in the direction of the real you, you want to be. Just do it! for 15 minutes a day! 

It’s so easy these days, just go on YouTube, and there are thousands of tutorials on every song, showing you exactly how to play it. 

Just practice part of one, for 15 minutes a day, and it’s a guarantee. No matter how difficult you think it would be to play, within a month (at the most), you will be playing that fucking song!! 

Because once you can actually play something, that sounds even remotely, like it, you won’t be able to stop practicing after 15 minutes. You might spend hours trying to perfect that thing, hell, you might play all day!. 

I know I have, more than once.. But when I started playing guitar in my teens, the internet was not a real thing, we had heard about it, but nobody knew what it was. 

It was still this thing, only the geeks and nerds (the ones that are all billionaires, in silicone valley now) in computer class, in high school, who, were playing around with it. 

Now, I’m not going to reveal my age, but I’m definitely not an old geezer, yet ;), I don’t think? Maybe I am? But as I’ve written before, if you care about what other people think about you, you will always be a prisoner. 

Anyway, what the fuck was I talking about? I really do that a lot, don’t I? Oh, ya, learning guitar when I was a teenager or something like that.

I had to learn songs by ear, by either picking up the needle or rewinding the tape, again and again and again, to learn one part.

But I did it, and learning by ear was, kind of a blessing in disguise. I started being able to hear a song, and say, oh, that starts in E, then switches to G, so the learning came faster.

But not like today, everyone’s an internet rockstar if they want to be. It’s just too easy. 

Not that I’m complaining, when I want to learn a new song, especially something complex, like a Metallica song. 

It’s easy. Just do your 15 minutes a day, with some dude, showing you exactly how to play.

But I was obsessed, and I would usually play all day. I never discovered the 15 minute thing, until much later, when I started evolving, and applied it to all things :).

It’s the same with anything. I love to write, I write everyday, as most of you know, most of my stuff is total shit!!! Lol, but that doesn’t bother me. 

Because every time I do it, I’m evolving, closer and closer to exactly who I want to be. 

I’m sure most of you have heard of this concept before. But actually doing it, is how it works, it’s magic. 

You can do and be, absolutely anyone you want. If you just work on it, or practice it, 15 minutes a day.

That’s why I called this site, The Evolving Slacker. I had the slacker part down since birth I think lol.

I coasted through life, being a slacker, and somehow, doing really well for myself.

I really don’t know how. I never even tried in high school, and did ok, and for a slacker, ok, is basically, as good as an A 🙂

I Even got a degree from a university, (which are absolutely full of slackers, by the way). I still can’t believe they actually accepted me lol, 

But I wasn’t being my real self, the person I wanted to be, regardless of what, everyone else thought of me. I was too afraid to be my real self then.

I was being the person, my parents wanted me to be, and expected me to be, and probably the person they wanted to be.

I started moving in the direction of, being my real self, quite a while ago. And now I am more me, and happy, than I ever thought I could possibly be. 

Still a total slacker of course, I would never change that, it’s who I am, it’s the inner core of me.

You should give it a try. Just 15 minutes a day. And start moving toward the real you, if you do, your whole life, is going to totally slay!!!! 

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