The Evolving Slacker

The Butthead’s SinCity…in a fucking shed…

The Butthead’s SinCity…in a fucking shed…

Buttheads a fucking shed....
The Buttheads SinCityin a fucking shed

                           The red guitar on right is the Paul Dean 2


It was 1984, or 85, or, maybe, even, 86, all we knew was we were entombed in Metal! And destined to be Rockstars!!!

We played guitar and read the vampire chronicles, hoping a vampire would bite us and make us immortal…but we had to grow our hair long and just right first, before they bit us…because, as everyone knew, you can’t grow your hair after you have been bitten right?…

I don’t remember exactly when my buddies decided guitar, and metal, was their “church” but I remember when they became mine…well, I can’t remember the exact date or anything, because, you know, I can’t remember shit…

But I remember being a semi-depressed, 14, or 15, at the community center, and this dude put DC on his ghetto blaster…and cranked hells bells…I had heard all the 70’s DC, and heavier shit…but that song was like a bolt of lightening through my brain!

I’m a rolling thunder, I’m the pouring rain, I’m comin on like a hurricane, white lightenin’s flashin, across the sky, you’re only young but your gonna die…

I knew at that instant I had to play seriously distorted metal guitar…for life!!!

I think I bought my first guitar the very next day, I had some money saved up, from….selling pot or something, let’s say babysitting…

I bought this cheap ass Hondo Paul Dean 2 guitar, modeled after Paul Dean from Loverboy, of all bands…I didn’t care, I just wanted to make noise!

I actually had a friend who’s dad had an old vintage, like 60’s tube amp, which I knew absolutely nothing about, I just needed something to plug into, I think I got it for like $10…

It wasn’t till many years later I realized how priceless it was…it took like 10 minutes for the tubes to warm up, but when they did, holy fuck!!!!!

It would start to hum, and the tubes would glow…and get hot!!

Pedals try to recreate that tone of distortion…but they are not even close! It was so harsh, and nasty!!…it just punched you in the fucking face!!!!

It almost broke my bedroom door down….It was the nastiest noise I had ever heard, and I fucking loved it!!!!

I was into bodybuilding before guitar, but they are oddly similar…lonely attempts at filling something…combined together they really helped fill my need not to have any type of skills with chicks…

I had absolutely no game…but I didn’t need one…I can honestly say I never asked a girl out after picking up a weight, and then piling on guitar playing…I mean, come on! 🙂

I remember my older brother coming into my room, I had Metal, mostly Motley Crue, posters, and pics, on every square inch of my walls…and glow in the dark AC/DC stickers on the ceiling…and I was jacked as fuck!!!…

I had just come back from the gym, and was pumped like Arnold…and taking my measurements…ya, I actually used to measure my arms and chest…kept detailed measurements…

My bro was like, dude, you are a freak!! I remember flexing my bi and saying, dude, it is the fountain of youth….I grew so much in 6 months I had severe stretch marks on my pecs…and still would have done roids if I knew where to find them…

but anyway…what was I talking about? Oh ya, guitar…I delved into that like I delved into bodybuilding…there was no internet then, to speak of…no YouTube…you had to actually pick up the needle and drop it back at the beginning of the song on the record…over and over…

Some peeps had a natural ear for it…I didn’t…but like a muscle…it can be developed…I got better at it just by being a stubborn fucking bastard…

I used to crank my old ass tube amp in the mornings on weekends…when I knew my bro was hungover…and try to learn old AC/DC songs…I remember trying to learn Sin City, over and over, and I would get close…but still not exactly right…

Then I got it!…and was playing to the record…my bro smashed through my bedroom door with no shirt on, sat down on my bedroom floor and said, you fucking got it dude!!!!

lit a smoke, and said, play it again lol…then later…me and a few of my idiot friends, formed the supergroup, The Buttheads…

And recorded it and other tunes we really liked…especially when we were stoned, in my buddy’s old man’s shed, and the legend began…

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