I am visiting my sisters, and her husbands, and the myriad of family, that comes from that…
I have been hanging in the basement, and it’s been pretty sweet!
But I am still a vampire, and have been getting up, semingly, later and later in the day, today was the first day I managed to get up after the sun went down…I feel so ashamed…
Anyway, I have been doing pretty good, reserarching wether pornhub or algbra have more relevance in today’s class room…shit like that…
And before you know it, I titted up a can of bud on the carpet, so really, not a lot of sound, but after 3am, loud enough, it could get noticed….
I decided….after hearing. something, I beliveive, to be auditing actions from my sister and brother in laws upstairs, to do what I normally do…
Ignore it, and pretend THEY must be on drugs, I mean come on, carpet in 2025?
I mean come on…it was like it was begging for it…
They could be reading this…but that’s a very low probablity…
Or I should say it’s a very low probability of a response…I have a lot of peeps read this fucking amazing shit…and somehow, don’t respond!
So it will not be remarkable, if they don’t actually read this…and just wonder why the basement smells more like beer since that noise they hear last night…
especailly when I shrug my shoulders around 5 or 6pm…but my brother in law will sniff it out…
he might actually handcuff me…before he realises he still has on his big boss man pajamas and really has no were to take me…
I think I will be set free at that time…but they could have installed a bunker somewhere on the property…
Do you have any idea how hard it is, to consistantly be this funny? Either do I, but I wouldn’t throw down to much on it…
What would you do? Just tell them you spilt a beer, on new years day, or think, fuck that! That is gayer than fuck!
Can you imagine if they are reading this now?
A dude can wish…let you know the exciting climax to this story lol…
Peace bitches!!!!