Jungle Tank
I Just couldn’t help myself, I just threw every plant I had in this tank, then went and bought some more and threw them in there lol.
It will be fun to watch it mature, I can see a bit of trimming at some point in this one, but I am just going to let it go for a long time.
I used a thick 2 or 3 , maybe 4 inches of a mix of aqua soil, diamond black biological sand, some lava rocks, I did forget to put some fertilizer tabs in it, but they can always be put in later if needed.
I used Nutrafin liquid fertilizer in the water. So I expect to see some good growth. I don’t have any kind of special lighting however, just the led lights, which seem pretty bright, that came with the kit.
I let it cycle for 3 or 4 weeks while adding plants.
I just put 4 or 5 Neon Cardinal Tetras and an Otocinclus (little algae eater, will add more as needed) in, I’ll probably never see them again lol, I also have some Ramshorn snails in there.
I will Slowly add more fish,, I would like to get up to 12-15 Cardinals at least, as they are cool when they school, But beyond that I am not sure what else I will put in, this one’s really more about the plants.