The Evolving Slacker

Everyone is pretentious

Everyone is pretentious

Everyone is pretentious, our whole world is pretentious, including me for writing about the whole world being pretentious, how pretentious of me!

I mean fuck, everyone’s like “you have to do this with your life” “your not living till you do this” “look at that asshole doing that” “this place is stupid” “you have to work hard to succeed” what do you mean succeed?

All you really have to do is get something to eat and drink and lay down and make yourself warm, everything else is total ego or pretentiousness.

People start writing books about how to live, like tony robbins, then you have people like me writing shit, telling you, how we are all pretentious, for doing that, I am so pretentious for thinking my way of thinking is the right way, I just try to make fun of all the shit people do and take so seriously, but I am still being pretentious, it’s just a different form of pretension, a better form!

Everything should be made fun of, if you can’t take a joke about how you live you are a fuck wad! And I am a fuck wad for thinking everyone should be able to take a joke, just like some people think everyone one should go to church or get a job.

Humans are doomed to be fucked up, because we have free will, and we all choose to use that free will, in different ways, and not everyone is going to like the way you use it.

Some folks like to blow shit up, and people up, some folks like to enslave other folks to do work for them, some folks like to torture and rape other folks…we are fucked.

So actually I think we have done a pretty good job getting to the point we’re at now, there must be more good in each of us than we think, because we are still actually here, we are getting close to blowing ourselves up, or poisoning our planet, to the point where, we can’t live on it, but we did last this long.

Fuck it, I say, lets just make fun of it all!!

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