The Evolving Slacker



Everything is a Cunt

Don’t think it ain’t

I used to believe in good

Now it’s all hate


Cunts rule the world

Cunts rule it all

Cunts are gonna be

Our fucking down fall


Every time I try to trust

It turns into a pile of dust

I want good to triumph

But it turns into a cunt


If you have a shotgun

Load it double bore

Blow a hole 

In all the fucking whore’s


This is the most negative

But it’s how I feel

I write my feelings

That’s how I deal





How’s that, for a fucking chorus

Be some nasty, fucking power chords

Delve in the garbage and shit sometime

Where everything wants to bring you down


I want to be heavier than anything

This song will have no peers

Hope springs eternal and all that shit

All it does is bring up all your fears


You’re a cunt





I remember when I used to believe

Now I don’t, that was make believe

I kick syringes off the street

Just to make my way to the grocery store


Junkie peeps squatting, beside my truck

I say hey dude do you need a buck?

They say fuck you, you fucking cunt,

Then puke up a bunch of junk


I don’t blame, I understand, shit be getting out of hand

I think I wrote this song, mostly to say cunt

It’s about the most taboo, word we have

Cunt is wrong, in so many ways


But it’s really the most fun to say

Especially, with peeps think they above it all


Fucking cunts


If you’re at a dinner party

You can say about anything, fuck, shit, goddamn, say cunt, and you be fucking banned

Do you think this song would make the top 10? 

It totally would


Because it’s called Cunt’s


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