[caption id="attachment_1765" align="aligncenter" width="225"] #bob dylan[/caption]
I hope all your dreams come true...blah blah blah...
And remember, to move around a bit on your couch to avoid ass dents, that most slackers tend to encounter.
There are a shit load of spam comments, I am going to implement a tool to eliminate all links in comments.
If you want to link with me to create back links let me know and we can look into it.
But, just know your included links will disappear soon, I tried to ask peeps, nicely, not to include links but that didn't work, so I have decided to track you all down and .....
Well, I figured that would be way to much work, so I will implement something that doesn't allow links in comments...
Because some of the comments my be real, some are obviously not, but are still amusing...
And I feel it's just rude to try and post links on someone else's site...
especially one that has no ad's and is fee to all...you fucking cunts!
My first use of Cunt in 2025...that didn't take too long lol.
So, on a lighter note, does everyone have New Years resolutions? You know, those things you say you are going to do, and never fucking do?
I've got a few, write even more fucked up, useless articles.
Try to get all my posts indexed, that's one of those one's that will never actually happen I'm sure.
Get me some better drugs
Which is the main key to a better blog...
Try Colgate instead of Crest when squirting toothpaste up Tarzan's nose and he squirting it up mine...although, I don't think that will take...Tarzan said Crest is better...
try to be even more honest in my posts, and start a podcast, which will be on youtube and this site...
continue to shave my balls, and asshole...
Continue to do whatever the fuck I want...
Release The Buttheads Vol 2 in the next few weeks...
Continue to evolve...into the real me...
Should I implement a different chat, than what is on the site now? There are private messages and chat in the forum...
Do you want me to put out some forms for feedback etc?
All suggestions will be glossed over quickly, so please let me know what you would like to see on the site.
Be diligently PC and woke as usual...although that is a retarded one so we'll see...
This is The Evolving Slacker Forum
We can discuss anything here. There are different forums, for different subjects. Let me know if you want a new forum created.